Hey all,
This is the craziest and most fin and exciting few weeks of my life ever, it kicked off with the 11th Annual IBChi Sorority Ball :D - good times and bonding with all my sisters - special love goes out to V! and K and her new baby boy! :D

pictured: all sisters (and soon-to-be sisters) with our Cutie Pie
(the ball was Saturday)
Monday was the day of Charm (Philanthropy - I am so proud of the pledges they collected donated lots of wonderful things to the women's shelter)
Tuesday the pledges put on such an awesome social / fundraiser :D
Today is the Day of Joy and Friday is the Day of Beauty and Saturday is the final steps for the pledges :D good luck to them all.
so my life seems a little glamorous at the moment, hanging out with my sisters, bonding and watching movies and eating popcorn well reality check into the rest of my life -------
School is insane by Friday I have to - write a psychology paper, do a presentation with a written report, catalog and organize my lab book for fish ecology oh and make it to the Lifting of the skirts by 7 .... thus the insanity of this week is here. However, my insanity hopes to be short lived, relaxing on Sunday - but I also have a presentation for the following Thursday good thing is its a group project so the work is divided! ... hypothetically right? I know that's what you are thinking and my answer is YES it is! My group kicks butt! We work well together. :D
oh and I have decided to start temporarily compile memoirs we will see how long it lasts
seeing as how finals start december 1st
However, I will be done quickly since only 3 of classes have official finals so I will be flying home on the 5th - WOOT!!
you know you love me and my craziness,